How can we recontextualise traditional literature to appeal to 
a wider youth-based audience?

The Divine Comedy: New Light

In an educational landscape, teenagers benefit from active learning over passive learning. New Light is a typographic project that attempts to recontextualise the story of Inferno through the medium of an interactive exhibition space. 

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Can the re-prioritisation of public spatial values and feelings effect change in gender hegemony?

Broadcast and Defamiliarise

In response to white men’s major contribution to climate change, Defamiliarise and Broadcast aims to question masculinities relationship to ecology, and present alternate ways of thinking about gender identity.

Lorem Ipsum...

How may we use otherworlding to reduce over-consumption and hoarding of material?

Objects Toward a Non-Material Reality

Based of the concepts of indigenous knowledges, animism and new-materialism, I aim to present a number of in-animate objects with spirituality and agency. By humanising inanimate objects that surround us, consumers are positioned to be more selective in their material acquisitions - and once they do consume, in how they use and discard/re-purpose their object. 


How can we close the gap between attitudes and behaviours surrounding sustainable fashion?

Esc. Index

Esc.index (Ethical and Sustainable Couture Index) is a project that responds to the unsustainable and unethical fashion processes that impact both consumer behavior and the physical environment.
Our hope for esc.index is to instigate a level of change by offering a collated database of resources. This project proposes a conscious awareness and dedication in bridging the gap between attitude and behaviour surrounding themes of fashion sustainability. In collaboration with Maia Kjendle.


© Maximilian Bufardeci 2024