How may we use otherworlding to reduce over-consumption and hoarding of material?
Based of the concepts of indigenous knowledges, animism and new-materialism, I aim to present a number of in-animate objects with spirituality and agency. By humanising inanimate objects that surround us, consumers are positioned to be more selective in their material acquisitions - and once they do consume, in how they use and discard/re-purpose their object.
I aim to use colloquial discourse to create scenarios that are relatable to the common person, allowing all to have the opportunity to connect on a personal level with these in-animate objects. (familiar > cryptic)
Independent project during Fabrica Trial
Thanks to the contributors: Savannah Koz, Callen Rawlings, Dominique Vine, Peter Caine, Hugo Ling, Lindy Bufardeci, Sydney Gomes, Tom Meysztowicz, Luke Draffen and Lachlan Coulson.